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Bruxism, also known as teeth grinding, is a potentially serious disease that causes individuals to clench their jaws and grind their teeth. The sleep-related disorder can lead to mild, moderate, or severe symptoms. Although bruxism is often attributed to children and teenagers, many adults suffer from the condition. Our Mission, BC dentist office offers general dentistry treatments to resolve bruxism issues.

Causes of Bruxism

There is no single cause of bruxism, and doctors remain divided on what exactly causes the condition. Teeth grinding may be due to a combination of factors that are genetic, physical, and psychological. In children, nighttime teeth grinding is considered to be a normal part of adolescent development.

Adults may experience jaw clenching during the day (awake bruxism) or at night (sleep bruxism). Stress and other emotions are believed to play some role in many adults’ symptoms. TMJ disorder, which results from poor alignment of the temporomandibular joints, is another common cause.

Young age, a hyperactive personality, certain medications, use of stimulants or depressants, and a family history of bruxism are common risk factors for this condition.


Individuals with this condition do not always notice symptoms, especially in the earliest stages of bruxism. 

Common signs of teeth grinding may include:

  • Nighttime grinding that may be loud enough to wake your partner
  • Worn, chipped, or cracked teeth
  • Heightened tooth sensitivity
  • Tired or achy jaw muscles
  • Pain that radiates to the ears
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Frequent headaches

If you have any of the symptoms listed above, call our office so Dr. Shergill can screen you for bruxism. The condition is more than a quality of life issue. Untreated bruxism can damage restorations, interfere with jaw function, and cause tension-type headaches.

The earlier the condition is diagnosed, the less likely you are to suffer irreversible symptoms like chipped, worn, or broken teeth.


Proper diagnosis of bruxism requires an examination at our dental office. We will discuss your general health, medical history, symptoms, and any medications that you are currently taking. Determining the extent of your bruxism requires an examination of enamel wear and jaw function. Complex cases may require a referral to a specialist, such as a sleep medicine therapist.

Treatment Options

Bruxism is most commonly addressed through orthodontic treatment or with the use of a bruxism appliance. A bruxism appliance (also known as a night guard or splint) is custom-made for your teeth. The appliance places a safe and comfortable barrier between your upper and lower rows of teeth that prevents enamel wear.

Once your candidacy for a bruxism appliance has been established, one of our doctors will take a digital impression of your mouth and jaw. That information will be sent to a trusted dental lab that will fabricate your nightguard. 

If your condition is caused by teeth misalignment (malocclusion), you may be fitted with either traditional braces or Invisalign clear aligners. Orthodontic treatments can take several months to a few years to complete, but there are numerous restorative and cosmetic benefits to having properly aligned teeth.

Treating bruxism in its earliest stages can prevent serious dental problems like chipped or cracked teeth. Individuals with bruxism are also at high risk for tooth decay due to the enamel wear that often accompanies nighttime grinding.

Bruxism Treatment in Mission, BC

If you suspect that bruxism is causing your oral and overall health issues, contact our dentist in Mission, BC today at 604-820-8702 to schedule your appointment.