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Recent research indicates that more and more babies are born without a third set of molars (also called ‘wisdom teeth’). But, even though wisdom teeth are slowly leaving the human gene pool, many of us still have these vestigial structures. And, for some, these unnecessary teeth pose a serious threat to their oral function, comfort, and aesthetics. Luckily, wisdom teeth extractions are an ideal restorative solution to re-establish optimal oral health.

Think you might be experiencing wisdom tooth pain? Contact Dr. Amol Shergill and his skilled team at Wren Street Dental now. Our dentist in Mission, BC, can help you fight the pain and find lasting relief with gentle wisdom teeth extractions. 

Call us at (604) 820-8702 or send us a message online here for more information and booking.

How do I know if I have wisdom teeth?

Many patients have wisdom teeth that never break through the gum line. As a result, they may not know that they actually have a third set of molars. 

Our dentist in Mission, BC, can easily locate and identify wisdom teeth with a thorough dental exam and high-tech, digital x-rays. But, many patients may notice the common signs of problematic wisdom teeth before they receive a formal diagnosis, such as:

  • Tender, sore, or bloody gums
  • Swelling around the gums and jaws
  • Sudden jaw pain
  • Bad breath
  • A persistent foul taste in the mouth
  • Difficulty chewing or opening the mouth
  • Frequent headaches

If you are noticing any of these signs or symptoms, then contact our team immediately.

Why get wisdom teeth removed?

At Wren Street Dental, we never suggest a tooth extraction unless it is absolutely necessary to save a patient’s oral and overall health. Subsequently, we may only recommend wisdom teeth extractions if:

  • The molars partially erupt
  • The molars are growing at abnormal angles (impaction)
  • There is no room in the mouth to accommodate a third set of molars
  • Repeated irritation causes fluid-filled sacs (cysts) to form around the molars
  • The molars are damaging neighboring teeth
  • The exposed molars develop frequent or pervasive cavities
  • Advancing gum disease threatens the molars and gums

The Wisdom-Tooth Removal Process

First, our dentist in Mission, BC, ensures patients’ comfort with sedatives and numbing agents, such as:

  • Oral conscious sedation
  • Local anesthesia

Next, Dr. Shergill begins the removal process. We may have to create a small incision to access hidden wisdom teeth. 

After extraction, our team cleans the surgical site before closing the wound with dissolvable stitches. Lastly, we place a sterile piece of gauze over the wound to encourage proper blood clotting before allowing a friend or relative to drive you home.

After Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Aftercare is a crucial part of wisdom teeth extractions. Following the procedure, patients should:

  • Control bleeding: Some bleeding is normal for 24 to 48 hours following wisdom teeth extractions. However, patients should try to control bleeding by applying light pressure with clean hands and sterile gauze pads.
  • Mitigate swelling and bruising: Ice packs and over-the-counter painkillers can help patients minimize bruising and swelling.
  • Reduce activity: We recommend limiting strenuous activity for approximately one week after oral surgery.
  • Eat and drink wisely: Patients should choose softer foods while recovering. Additionally, they should stay away from carbonation, alcohol, caffeine, and straws because they can affect wound healing.
  • Avoid tobacco products: Patients should not use any tobacco products (smokeless or otherwise) for approximately one week after wisdom teeth removal.
  • Continue daily oral hygiene practices: Oral hygiene is important, especially after oral surgery. Patients should continue to very gently brush twice a day, floss once a day, and rinse with warm salt water.

Schedule Wisdom Teeth Extractions with Our Dentist in Mission, BC

Gentle wisdom teeth extractions with the team at Wren Street Dental can help you get lasting relief. Ready to ditch the pain and get a happier, healthier smile? Contact our Mission, BC, dental office at (604) 820-8702 or online here to get started.