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Misaligned teeth are unattractive, but they can also lead to several oral health issues because they are harder to clean. Whether you are considering traditional braces or clear aligners for your teenager or yourself, Dr. Shergill, dentist in Mission, BC, can deliver amazing results.

Traditional Braces

While clear aligners have become increasingly popular in recent years, braces still offer unique benefits that should be weighed when pursuing orthodontic treatments.

How do braces work?

Braces move teeth into better alignment by placing continual force on specific teeth. The fixed appliance is comprised of multiple parts, but the two most important parts are the brackets and archwire. Brackets are square-shaped pieces that attach to the front of teeth. The archwire runs through consecutive brackets and places pressure on specific teeth to promote movement.

Over time, your teeth will move into better alignment, and the surrounding jawbone tissue will regenerate to facilitate the micro-movements.

Am I a candidate for braces?

Most of our patients — from teens to seniors — are great candidates for braces. If you are dissatisfied with the alignment of your teeth, one of our doctors can explore your candidacy for this orthodontic option. Fixed appliances give our dentists greater control over tooth movements. Clear aligners can perform a wide range of tooth movements, but complex alignment problems are often better candidates for braces. Candidates should be in good overall health and willing to properly clean and maintain their fixed appliances.

Orthodontic Treatment Overview

Once your candidacy has been established, we will schedule the first of multiple visits to place your braces. Some individuals may have spacers placed before their braces are attached.

Initial Appointment

The initial appointment is typically the longest. Each of your teeth will be conditioned so the brackets can be cemented in place.

Once the teeth are prepped, the brackets will be bonded on predetermined areas of each tooth. Then, a special wire will be threaded through the brackets and tightened. You will be given directions on how to clean and maintain your teeth.


On subsequent visits for adjustments, your dentist will check on the progress of the tooth movements. If you have any questions about your treatments, these visits are a great time to ask. The wire will be tightened or might be replaced if necessary, and any broken appliances will be fixed.

Additional Cleanings and Checkups

Throughout your orthodontic treatment, you will need to schedule regular cleanings and checkups in addition to appointments for adjustments.

Maintaining Your Braces

Oral hygiene is especially important throughout orthodontic treatments. The brackets, wires, and other appliances used in braces can leave food particles in contact with the surface of your teeth. This places any individual who is undergoing orthodontic treatment at a higher risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

There are dietary restrictions too. Cutting back on crunchy and sticky foods is your best bet for reducing your risk of tooth decay. Sticky foods like caramel are difficult to remove, and crunchy foods can damage or dislodge your brackets.

While these restrictions may mean cutting back on some of your favorite foods, small changes in your diet can ensure that your orthodontic treatment progresses smoothly and along the desired timeline. Adjusting your diet can also prevent tooth decay and other dental problems.

Invisalign® (Clear Aligners)

Are you a candidate?

Clear aligners can address a wide range of alignment issues:

  • Overbite (when upper teeth cover lower teeth)
  • Underbite (when lower teeth protrude over upper teeth)
  • Crossbite (misalignment of the upper and lower jaw)
  • Gap teeth
  • Crowded teeth
  • Open bite
  • Crooked teeth

In rare cases of extreme misalignment or other complex cases, one of our doctors may recommend braces. The majority of our patients are great candidates for both orthodontic treatment options.

Benefits of Invisalign

Clear aligners have become the preferred choice for millions of patients for many reasons.

Discreet Treatment

Unlike braces, clear aligners are discreet. The material is both incredibly durable and nearly invisible when placed over your teeth. Few people, if any, will be able to tell that you have clear aligners over your teeth.


While there will be brief periods when pressure on your teeth is noticeable, clear aligner treatments are considered to be more comfortable than braces. Braces require periodic wire tightenings that place strain on certain teeth. Invisalign/ SureSmile works differently. The clear aligners cover most of the surface of the tooth and gently nudge teeth into better alignment through micro-movements.

Predictable Results

Invisalign treatments are a safe and effective orthodontic treatment. Part of the secret behind Invisalign’s success is the patented SmartTrack material that can perform complex tooth movements on a predictable timeline. Once your clear aligner treatment begins, you will be told the length of your treatment timeline.


Clear aligner treatments are straightforward and convenient. There are no dietary restrictions for this orthodontic treatment. When eating or taking photos, the trays are easily removed.

Treatment Overview

Once your candidacy for Invisalign has been established, one of our doctors will take digital impressions of your teeth.

Digital Impressions

The images will be sent to a lab that will fabricate a series of customized clear aligners. After a few weeks, the trays will arrive back at our office and your next appointment will be set.

Receiving Your Trays

At your next visit, one of our doctors will ensure that your trays are a good fit and you understand how to clean and maintain your clear aligners. The aligner trays must be worn for at least 22 hours per day to ensure that your treatment timeline is maintained. The trays are typically replaced every two weeks or as advised by your dentist.

Maintaining good oral hygiene habits by brushing twice a day will prevent tooth decay and other dental problems while you undergo clear aligner treatments. The aligner trays can be cleaned using a toothbrush and water.

Follow-up Visits

Checkups at regular intervals will be scheduled so one of our doctors can follow your progress. At certain points throughout the treatment, which can take several months to a few years, your dentist may need to create space between your teeth through a minimally invasive procedure called inter-proximal reduction (IPR).

Once your treatment is complete, you will be fitted with a retainer that will need to be worn every night.

Orthodontic Treatment in Mission, BC

Are you ready to improve the appearance of your smile? Our team can determine whether traditional braces or Invisalign clear aligners are your best option. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!