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Do you suffer from dental phobia or dread the thought of sitting in a dentist’s chair for two hours or longer? Dental fear and dental anxiety affect thousands of people and can unfortunately have a negative effect on their oral and overall health. 

Thankfully, our Mission, BC dentist offers sedation dentistry, including oral sedation, to help patients feel more at ease and endure long or extensive procedures. 

Learn more about the types of sedation, candidacy requirements, and the benefits of sedation dentistry here.

Types of Sedation

There are three types of sedation dentistry available: 

  1. Local Anesthesia: numbs treatment sites
  2. Sedation: works on the central nervous system to induce feelings of well-being and euphoria
  3. Oral sedation: uses prescription medications that are taken before your procedure begins

To determine which option is best for you, Dr. Shergill will talk with you about your levels of anxiety, your specific fears, and which treatments you need. 

Are you a candidate?

Most of our patients are great candidates for sedation. To establish your candidacy for sedation, one of our doctors will screen you for certain risk factors. Neither form of sedation can be used if you have consumed alcohol within 24 hours of your dental procedure. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding may not be eligible for sedation.

Sedation can be a great option if you:

  • Are planning to undergo a lengthy dental procedure
  • Have difficulty sitting still for long periods of time
  • Have a low pain threshold
  • Suffer from dental phobia (dental fear or dental anxiety)
  • Have restless leg syndrome or another movement disorder

Benefits of Sedation

Sedation allows patients who suffer from dental phobia to relax as they undergo lengthy or complex procedures. Whether due to a past traumatic event, low pain threshold, or other factors, dental-related anxiety is surprisingly common. Sedation offers a safe and effective means of overcoming dental phobia.

Under oral sedation, our patients report feeling peaceful, relaxed, and euphoric. One benefit of sedation is the alteration of time perception. Under the effects of sedation, procedures that require two or three hours feel like they were completed in a fraction of that time. Many patients barely remember details about their tooth extraction or root canal.

Sedation also allows our dentists to work more efficiently. When patients are in a relaxed state with minimal movement and fidgeting, dental procedures can be performed with fewer disruptions.

More About Oral Sedation

Oral sedation is administered through prescription medications. This form of sedation can deliver mild or deep states of relaxation. Depending on the type of drug that is used, oral sedation can result in varying levels of amnesia. Oral sedation requires that patients refrain from eating or drinking for several hours before their procedure.

Since the effects of oral sedation can linger, patients will need to arrange for someone to pick them up from our office following their procedure.

Comfortable Dentistry in Mission, BC

If your oral health has suffered because of your dental fear or anxiety, you don’t have to live this way. Contact our friendly dental team today at 604-820-8702 to schedule an appointment.