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Dental bonding (also called ‘tooth bonding’ or ‘tooth-colored fillings’) is a versatile treatment that can repair damaged teeth, correct dental flaws, and restore smiles back to their full brilliance. As such, it is a popular restorative and cosmetic dentistry treatment among patients in Mission, BC.

If you’re looking to strengthen your teeth and enhance your smile, then dental bonding at Wren Street Dental may be right for you. Verify your candidacy today by contacting Dr. Shergill and our team at (604) 820-8702, or send us a message online here.

What is dental bonding?

Dental bonding is a common restorative and cosmetic treatment. The bonding material consists of a durable, composite resin (unprocessed plastic) that closely resembles the color and texture of natural teeth. 

Our dentist in Mission, BC, expertly applies the composite resin directly to damaged, weak, or decaying teeth. After curing the resin with a special lamp, the result is perfectly restored teeth that look as healthy as they feel.

Why is dental bonding done?

Patients may choose to explore dental bonding for several reasons, including:

  • Treating cavities
  • Repairing dental damage, like chips and cracks
  • Covering internal dental discoloration
  • Closing large gaps between the teeth
  • Lengthening short teeth
  • Reshaping irregularly-formed teeth
  • Addressing tooth sensitivity and exposed tooth roots

What is the procedure like?

Tooth bonding is a minimally-invasive treatment. As such, Dr. Shergill preserves as much of the tooth’s natural structure as possible during the procedure. However, he may need to remove a small amount of enamel to ensure proper adhesion. 

To guarantee patients’ comfort, Dr. Shergill may begin the process by administering local anesthesia to the treatment site. Next, our Mission dentist prepares and smooths the tooth for application. Once prepared, Dr. Shergill expertly applies and shapes the composite resin before permanently curing it in place.

Following the bonding procedure, patients may feel some discomfort (like heightened tooth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures), but there is no recovery time needed after dental bonding. As a result, patients can eat, drink, and smile with complete freedom immediately after treatment.

How long does dental bonding last?

Tooth bonding can last as long as a decade with adequate care and maintenance. To enhance the lifespan of dental bonding, we recommend:

  • Brushing at least twice a day
  • Flossing at least once a day
  • Avoiding damaging behavior, like chewing on ice, fingernails, and pen tips
  • Avoiding tobacco products and alcohol
  • Visiting our dentist in Mission, BC, at least once a year

How much does tooth bonding cost?

Tooth bonding is a remarkably long-lasting and affordable way for patients to strengthen, upgrade, and protect their smiles.

The cost of a cavity filling or bonded tooth depends on the extent of the work needed to repair or enhance one’s smile. Typically, patients can expect the cost of dental bonding to average between $200 and $600 per tooth without insurance. However, most insurance plans do partially or fully cover tooth-colored fillings.

Explore Dental Bonding with Our Dentist in Mission, BC

Whether you want to treat cavities or cover smile imperfections, dental bonding is an effective and affordable way to enhance your smile. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Shergill at Wren Street Dental by sending us a message online or by calling our Mission dental clinic at (604) 820-8702.