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A wisdom tooth is a pesky third molar that typically makes its appearance in the late teens or early adult years. While some people experience no issues with these extra sets of molars, many find themselves facing various wisdom tooth difficulties. Luckily, restorative dentistry options exist to address wisdom tooth pain and dysfunction. 

Are wisdom tooth difficulties making you feel foolish? Contact Dr. Amol Shergill at Wren Street Dental today. Our dentist in Mission, BC, offers gentle treatments (like wisdom tooth extractions) to help you get lasting relief. Get started by dialing (604) 820-8702 now!

From pain and discomfort to potential dental problems, dealing with wisdom teeth can be challenging. However, knowing what to do when faced with wisdom teeth difficulties can make the process smoother and less stressful.

Recognize the Signs

The first step in dealing with wisdom teeth difficulties is to recognize the signs. These may include:

  • Pain or tenderness in the back of the mouth
  • Swollen gums
  • Difficulty opening the mouth fully
  • Jaw stiffness
  • Persistent headaches

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s essential to consult with our Mission dentist promptly.

Consult with a Dentist

A dentist is the best person to evaluate the situation and provide guidance on the next steps. 

Dr. Shergill will examine your mouth, possibly take X-rays to assess the position of your wisdom teeth, and recommend the most appropriate course of action. Whether it’s monitoring the teeth for any potential issues, recommending extraction, or suggesting other treatments, our dentist’s expertise is invaluable in managing wisdom teeth difficulties.

Consider Extraction

If these teeth are unable to emerge fully through the gums or are causing overcrowding, extraction may be the best solution. Indeed, dentists extract an estimated 10 million third molars every year to prevent or alleviate problems

While the thought of surgery can be scary, progress in dental science, technology, and anesthesia has made the procedure safer and more comfortable than ever before.

Prepare for Surgery

If Dr. Shergill recommends surgery, proper preparation can help ensure a smoother recovery

Our team will provide detailed directions on how to get ready for the procedure, including any medications to avoid, dietary restrictions, and pre-operative care. It’s necessary to adhere to these instructions carefully to minimize the risk of complications and promote healing.

Manage Post-Operative Care

Following wisdom teeth extraction, taking good care of your mouth to facilitate healing and reduce discomfort is key. This may include:

Pain Management

Dr. Shergill may prescribe pain medication or recommend over-the-counter pain relievers to lessen and manage any discomfort.

Ice Packs 

Applying cloth-wrapped ice packs to the outside of your face or mouth can help reduce inflammation and desensitize the area.

Soft Diet

During healing, soft foods like smoothies, yogurt, stews, mashed potatoes, and scrambled eggs are ideal for avoiding irritation and complications at the extraction site.

Gentle Oral Hygiene

Continue to floss and brush your teeth gently while being mindful of the extraction sites. Dr. Shergill may also recommend rinsing with a salty solution to keep the area clean.

Follow-Up Appointments

Attend every follow-up appointment with Dr. Shergill to avoid continued wisdom tooth difficulties. These appointments ensure that the extraction sites are healing properly and address any concerns or complications that may arise.

Wisdom tooth difficulties? We can help!

Dealing with wisdom tooth difficulties can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can minimize discomfort and prevent potential dental problems. Learn more about this smile-saving procedure today with Dr. Amol Shergill at Wren Street Dental. You can reach us on our website or at (604) 820-8702.

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